Musings from California

What did you enjoy doing when you were ten years old?
I have read that what you enjoyed doing at 10 is what you should pursue as a vocation. I know a handful of folks who followed through with this, but too many of us get caught up in doing what other folks want us to do or life circumstances take us in another direction.
This has been on my mind for a couple of reasons:
My oldest granddaughter will turn 10 next month. I am wondering how to encourage and guide her to make sure she is doing what she loves when she is older.
Being “retired” I am finally getting back to what I have loved to do for as long as I can remember, being creative. Dress design and fashion to be specific, although I do get involved in a lot of other creative endeavors.
Was I true to myself all these years by not making dress design my vocation? To be honest, I never stopped being creative, from cutting up my socks in elementary school to make Barbie skirts, getting my certificate in dress design and needle arts, making clothes for the kids when they were younger, etc. But did I miss the mark by not earning a living in fashion?
As so many American retirees, I am now devoting myself to what I enjoyed when I was younger. I get to spend my time creating, designing and upcycling clothes. I’m in my happy place!
The question that I have is how to encourage and mentor the grandkids to make sure that they stay true to who they are and what they are meant to do and to do this while giving them the space to make their own choices.

Ciao for now as I am off to my workroom to make a costume! 

