Le Marché St. Pierre in Paris

Here's a little glimpse of a material maven's paradise. Just about the only place around my place to go and buy material is in Paris. I am not exaggerating at all (this time). At the little neighborhood markets I can rarely find the just-right color, motif, etc., etc. that I have in my mind's eye.
So I get on the train, ride 20 minutes to Paris, change a couple of Metro lines, walk down souvenir-lined streets and VOILA!, I am at the foot of Sacre-Coeur getting all excited and jittery as I envision my future purchases.
The two biggest and oldest stores are La Reine and Dreyfus (Marché Saint Pierre). And when I say big, I mean BIG! Six to seven stories of whatever your little heart desires. But, I must confess that some days I go in and find nothing, absolutely nothing, that I'm looking for.
I'll just stop talking about it and show you some pics from our (yes.. our ... Peggy's over here, more about that in another post) latest jaunt about a week ago.
