Prayer Flags Day Twenty Two

My word for day twenty two is GRACE.


 noun \ˈgrās\
: a way of moving that is smooth and attractive and that is not stiff or awkward
: a controlled, polite, and pleasant way of behaving
graces : skills that are needed for behaving in a polite way in social situations
ull Definition of GRACE
a :  unmerited divine assistance given humans for their regeneration or sanctification
b :  a virtue coming from God
c :  a state of sanctification enjoyed through divine grace
a :  approvalfavor <stayed in his good graces>
b archaic :  mercypardon
c :  a special favor :  privilege <each in his place, by right, not grace, shall rule his heritage — Rudyard Kipling>
d :  disposition to or an act or instance of kindness, courtesy, or clemency
e :  a temporary exemption :  reprieve
a :  a charming or attractive trait or characteristic
b :  a pleasing appearance or effect :  charm <all the grace of youth — John Buchan>
c :  ease and suppleness of movement or bearing
—used as a title of address or reference for a duke, a duchess, or an archbishop
:  a short prayer at a meal asking a blessing or giving thanks
plural capitalized :  three sister goddesses in Greek mythology who are the givers of charm and beauty
:  a musical trill, turn, or appoggiatura
a :  sense of propriety or right <had the grace not to run for elective office — Calvin Trillin>
b :  the quality or state of being considerate or thoughtful
