Project My Way Episode 6, 7 & 8

  Greetings from California!
Thoughts go out to all who are affected by the multiple fires raging throughout the state.
I am moving slow on getting my Episode 6 redo done. I am working to "upcycle" more with Project My Way, and this had me perplexed as to what I was going to use. Despite Kentaro's spin on a kimono, I knew I was going with a plaid (can you say Outlander fan?). Plus Alysen has an awesome pin that I need to showcase!
The photo above are my working "bits".
I will go into detail on my process when I share my final product. A hint, there is a bit of "upcycling".
Here is the winning design again:
Here is the winning design from episode 7:

These are my Episode 7 materials:

Still working out the details, but both pieces so far are being upcycled. Alysen is working on her custom wirework item to pair with this design. I am looking forward to seeing what she comes up with.

If you watch Project Runway, are you as curious as I am as to what is happening? I don't want to spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen it, but......very strange. I think I am going to wait until next week, before I get started on my redo. This was the winning look.

This always seems to be a busy time of year for me. I am anxious to get back to the workroom. My 10 year old granddaughter is visiting this week. She has some very definite ideas on design. I am looking forward to getting her "advice" on what I am working on.

Take care all. Please comment and come back to visit.
Ciao for now,
