Random Thoughts from California

Paris Fashion Week.
Project Runway tonight.
Creative ideas swirling.
Do you remember where you were and what you were doing when you were 10 years old?
I clearly remember my 10th year. Is it because that is when we become aware of things around us? For me it might be because that is the year we moved and I had to change schools.
My two oldest granddaughters are 10. I wonder what they will remember and how this year will carry them forward and how it will influence the rest of their life.
At 10, I started creating clothes for my Barbies. I haven’t stopped creating and being interested in fashion.
I was excited when my granddaughter and her friend Keira decided to create some draped designs.
Now to convince them that they want to learn how to sew.

Until next time,

PS: while searching for the pic above got distracted by videos the granddaughter made. Too cute!


  1. I hope they get sewing! They are just the right age to learn.

  2. Fingers crossed! They have a school break the first week of April so...


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